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calendarNov 09,2023

Plumbing Upgrades to Help You Save Water

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, American households waste more than 180 gallons of water per week from household leaks. The same agency also estimates that the average family can waste more than 200 gallons from inefficient plumbing fixtures, such as showerheads, faucets, and toilets.

But here’s the thing: homeowners and businesses can prevent water waste and save a lot of money by making certain plumbing upgrades. Here at Trust Rooter, one of our goals is to help our customers save water and money by offering plumbing upgrades and resolving a wide range of plumbing problems.

Read on to learn the plumbing upgrades that help with water conservation.

  • High Efficiency Toilets

Older toilets can use a significant amount of water with each flush. High-efficiency toilets use less water while still effectively removing waste. Dual-flush toilets are also available, allowing you to choose between a low-volume flush for liquid waste and a higher-volume flush for solid waste.

  • Low-Flow Showerheads

These showerheads are designed to limit water flow, using less than 2.5 gallons per minute (GPM), compared to traditional showerheads that can use 5 GPM or more. You'll save both water and the energy used to heat it.

  • Low-Flow Sink Faucets   

Just like low-flow showerheads, low-flow faucets reduce the amount of water used when washing hands, dishes, or doing other tasks at the sink. They use 1.5 GPM or less, compared to older faucets that might use 2.2 GPM or more.

  • Pressure-Reducing Valves

These valves can help reduce the water pressure in your plumbing system. Excessively high water pressure can lead to water waste as well as damage to pipes and appliances. By regulating the pressure, you can save water and extend the life of your plumbing system.

  • Hot Water Recirculating Systems

These systems recirculate hot water to your faucets and showers, so you don't have to wait for the water to get hot. This can save water that would otherwise be wasted while waiting for it to heat up.

  • Leak Detection System

Installing a leak detection system, such as smart water sensors, can help you identify and address leaks early. Even small leaks can add up to significant water waste over time. Once you detect a water leak, don’t hesitate to call a professional plumbing service for leak repair.

  • Pipe Upgrades

Replacing old, corroded, or leak-prone pipes with newer materials like PEX or copper can help prevent water leaks and reduce water waste. If your pipes are deteriorating, call a nearby plumbing service to perform an inspection and replace the pipes. It’s also advisable to insulate your pipes to prevent heat loss and reduce the time it takes for hot water to reach your fixtures.

Additional Tips

  • Regularly check for and repair any leaks in your plumbing system.
  • Collect rainwater for outdoor use, such as watering your garden.
  • Use a dishwasher with a high energy efficiency rating to save water and energy.

Upgrade Your Plumbing & Save Money: Call Trust Rooter Today!

When you’re ready to upgrade your plumbing fixtures, contact Trust Rooter to schedule service. Our knowledgeable and experienced plumbers will help you find the right fixtures for your home or commercial property and install them professionally for you.

Do You Need a Local Plumber in Broward and Palm Beach Counties? Reach Out to Trust Rooter Today!

Trust Rooter is a professional plumbing company that has built a reputation for offering reliable residential and commercial plumbing services. From drain cleaning to water heater maintenance, garbage disposal repair, water leak repair, faucet repair, and sewer drain repair, Trust Rooter is your go-to plumbing company for all of your plumbing needs.


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